Jenkins uses
a feature called Jenkins Pipeline which is a collection of jobs that brings the
software from version control into the hands of the end-users by using
automation tools. They represent multiple Jenkins jobs as one whole workflow in
the form of a pipeline.
In this blog,
I am going to share my knowledge on how can we write multiple Jenkins jobs as a pipeline and it uses two different syntaxes i.e. Declarative and Scripted pipeline and in our examples, we're going to use the Scripted Pipeline which is following a more imperative programming model built with Groovy.
- Code
on bitbucket/GitHub
- Jenkins
- Download
required plugins to run pipelines like Pipeline, SonarQube Scanner, Check Style, Junit,
Git Integration, Maven Integration.
- Sonar up and running.
Let’s start
creating pipeline will do below tasks:
- Clone Project from Jenkins
- Build
and run Junit test cases
- Run
- Run
- Package
it as a jar file
Configuration Steps:
- Let's create new Jenkins jobs. Goto Jenkins -> New Item
- Add name under 'Enter an item name', Select pipeline as the type, and click Ok button.
- I am skipping the description and others tab here and directly jumping to the Pipeline tab as I already discussed it in my previous blog and we can run pipeline without worrying about it.
- Add below script and check Use Groovy Sandbox and Save it.
node {
// clone the project from Github
git ''
//Build the project
sh "mvn clean install"
// Run Sonar for Code Coverage
// Ignore this stage if sonar instance is not present
stage('Sonar') {
sh "mvn sonar:sonar"
// Run code check
stage("Checkstyle") {
sh "mvn checkstyle:checkstyle"
step([$class: 'CheckStylePublisher',
canRunOnFailed: true,
defaultEncoding: '',
healthy: '100',
pattern: '**/target/checkstyle-result.xml',
unHealthy: '90',
useStableBuildAsReference: true
//package the application
stage('Package') {
junit '**/target/surefire-reports/TEST-*.xml'
archiveArtifacts 'target/*.jar'
- To configure Sonarqube URL, Goto Jenkins -> Manage Jenkins -> Configure System and set Server URL and save it.
- You can see your newly created pipeline on the Jenkins dashboard
- Click on Jenkins-pipeline-demo and then on the right side, click on Build now to build the project, to start the Jenkins pipelines.
- Once your job is completed, you will see below screen
- As the final job was packing as the jar. you can see a blue downward arrow button clicking on which will download your application as a JAR file.
- you can check the logs by clicking on the blue circle button on the left side or you can hover over a stage cell and click the Logs button.
- To Check Sonar report, goto Sonar Server URL that you configured it. It will show you total code coverage, unused import, and bad code.
- We had also added the Checkstyle stage to the pipeline so to check the report. Click on the Checkstyle Warning present below build now link.
- Here we see 12 High Priority Warning browsable by clicking it. The Details tab gives you more insight into each class error.
Conclusion :
We are able to set up a simple Jenkins pipeline to show code pull, build, to run sonar, and other code analysis tools, and as always the source code used in this project can be found over on Github.
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